Wednesday, April 27, 2011

ONE of MANY Inspiring Artists: Ahmad Jamal

"The quickest way to become troubled is to be concerned with what people are gonna say about your life and your work." -Ahmad Jamal 
The toe-tapping, jazz clubbing rawness that this track brings is so inspirational to me..

Not sure if it's staged or not but you can almost hear the whisper of a working cafe in the backgroud....tipping glasses, soft russle of an audience zoned out by the FEEL :)

*snapping out of it* lol enjoy the music take yourself to that moment into my archives and alongside the journey of me exposing myself as the music geek that I am lol this track has about 20+ years on me (speaking of my birth lol)! Ahh well nothing like appreciating goooood music...


God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Introducing Graphics and Web Design Company: Hatton Designs

 Hatton Designs is a very talented and innovative company that not only covers the basics necessary to brand ANYTHING but it also holds the capacity to completely cover all marketing needs! From interactive and personalized web design to monthly newsletters, posters and flyers they seriously do it all! It saves the humongous headache of hiring separately and houses a completely trust worthy and dope project, removing any concerns of cross branding...ONE team ONE project ONE mind ONE sound ONE brand :)! I feel like Im selling a commercial lol as opposed to blogging all of this is coming straight from the heart...

I've had the wonderful opportunity of working with this company when I first jumpstarted my career back in January of this year (2011). It was hassle-free, personable, and with my lack of knowledge concerning "brand" etc it really opened my eyes and taught me alot with marketing. Now, understanding a bit more, I am very appreciative and find even more value to the packages (logo's, flyers, business cards, etc) created by Hatton Designs.

LOVE the "Got Music" theme, it all started with a napkin and a reeallly bad sketch I drew up lol....and lookie what it turned into! 
My Busboys Flyer Designed by Hatton Designs

I am STILL working with Hatton Designs today on my press kit, posters, and the official "Reelease" CDS(*woot*woot*! lol) and the communication fits perfectly with my schedule, at this point, it is just a email or phonecall away. The idea is designed, approved, sent off to the printing company, and shipped to the house in enough time for the show :) not to mention the work is...AMAZING lol

I am in full support of Hatton Designs, BIG SHOUT and alot of love to you guys I SUPER appreciate the help and support thus far and wish you all the absolute best in your endeavours!

Call Hatton Designs TODAY: 202-559-8601

SUPPORT Hatton Designs HERE: 

God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Introducing Artist/Clothing Designer/Entrepreneur: Mr Htdogwtr

Jeffrey Lee CEO/Designer Htdogwtr

Ima keep the blog down south in Charlotte NC for this next blog too! This is another friend of mine who's been on his grind for a MINUTE! He is the creator of clothing line Htdogwtr, pronounced "Hot Dog Water", and he is an awesome and talented dude! I've snagged a couple of hoodies and bookbags from him in the past lol I LOVE his urban style and creative mind! He jam packs culture, newness, and COLORs colors colors into his artistry! I ABSOLUTELY DIG IT....

From Glasses, to t-shirts, to hoodies, to bookbags, to tails he does it ALL! Check out his GEAR on his SITE,, with a COMPLETE online store, if you like fresh gear and have been waiting for that new, this is where you want to be!

Glasses designed by Htdogwtr
I am SUPER BIG on PICTURES speaking for themselves so hears a batch of my favs (more on his site of course :):

LOVE your work Jeff and even more love how you stay TRUE to yourself and your dream! You are certainly inspiring and we are certainly watching  and appreciative, wish you the absolute best in your endevours much LOVE, RESPECT, and SUPPORT! Always looking forward to the next design, keep doing your thing!!

God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Recycled Music: Alicia Keys vs. The Main Ingredient

So at one point in my musical studies I became obsessed with finding re-used/sampled songs...the list goes on and on and so will my random recycled music blog post :)

LOVE BOTH Artists so cant go wrong!


*It's a little more obvious at 1:47 on The Main Ingredients Video*

God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Introducing Lyricist/Revolutionist/Artist: Ms. Jocelyn Ellis

I'm taking this blog down south to Charlotte NC to shout out my fellow sojourner Ms. Jocelyn Ellis! Love this lady to death, she's amazing on a personal level and she's absolutely outstanding and jaw droppingly talented on an artistic level. To this day, I still have yet to meet another artist who can zone out as hard as this lady does! She jumps so elegantly through poet verse, rap, melody, and no matter when, where, or how it ALWAYS carries so much depth and logic. Give her a track...a beatbox...anything and she kills it!

A couple of years back she released a ROCKING album entitled In the Beginning EP Jocelyn Ellis and the Alpha Theory which you can download just by clicking the title! It's a good purchase and its only a little over $'s the artwork for it, it's DOOOPPE! Lol

Joc, you already know you have ALL OF MY support :) BUT to establish this publically.....LOVE ya bunches and always wish you the best in your endeavours. MUCH love MUCH respect and MANY blessing, the movement is in full effect!

We are watching and waiting for you next genious project and are in FULL SUPPORT!!

Visit Jocelyn Ellis' Website HERE!!

God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Introducing Rapper/Lyricist: Tae Barz

Apparently I am late on the memo concerning DMV Artist Tae Barz. I was introduced to this rapper via twitter from a trusting friend of mine. I took it upon myself to do some research on this dude and ran into the video I posted below, can you say DEEP! This guy hit the main topic from every angle, being a fellow artist, and above all a fellow music lover, I can definitely feel him on every inch of this song! Listening to/Watching this Video will be the best 5 minutes ever spent, promise that.....

Either way, TaeBarz has the STAMP of approval from me, however much weight that carries lol! Not even a week after I reached out to Tae did he not only expeditiously get back to me BUT he also made an appearance at one of my shows that following weekend. I just met him but I've mad love for him and what he represents! You can certainly expect a callabo coming real soon....

So without further adu, much LOVE, RESPECT, and APPRECIATION to you Tae Barz! Keep doing your thing and don't allow anything to distract you from showcasing the gift that you have within! We are watching in anticipation for your next project, KEEP WRITING because, you're right, it is MORE THAN MUSIC ;-)



God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Sunday, April 3, 2011

One of MANY Inspiring Artists: Jill Scott

It is taking everything in me not to post EVERY LAST BIT OF PROJECT this genious lady has created lol!

I was first handed a Jill Scott CD or should I say, I first unwrapped a Jill Scott CD on Christmas 2001 or so, my lovely aunt gave me the BEST present ever. I will admit initially I wasn't the most excited about the album bc I hadn't been properly schooled. I will ALSO admit now, fast forwarding to present day, I am dangerously close to stalker status when it comes to my LOOOVE for songstress Jill Scott.

Love her VIBE love her FEEL and am STILL waiting on her *new* album to drop (that was suppose to be here last summer) I reeeeally hope she doesnt renig lol....

Either way here is a teaser, more highlighting her musician, Peter Kuzma (love how she shares the stage) if you haven't seen/heard her LIVE In Paris Album and/or DVD you should download/stream it ASAP or you could just take a peak at this video ENJOY:

Jill, I appreciate you and thank you for introducing me to soul, artistry, vibe, musicianship, growth, expression, and the true definition of artistic freedom. Always looking forward to your projects!

God Bless,
Reesa Renee