Thursday, June 30, 2011

One of MANY Inspiring Artists: P.Kay the Producer

I've done a handful of blog interviews and every and any time I am asked who is my inspiration it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to NOT mention P.Kay the Producer! In addition to helping me with my album "Releease" P.Kay also helps alot of artist including playing keyboard for DMV's OWN, band TCB.

I've always been a MUSIC LOVER which is why I was SO proud and pressed my brother did music, it wasnt long until his music subconsciously coaxed some melodies out of me...and here we are today...

...thinking back YES I would be able to piece together events that would make more sense of the present day...but I NEVER would've guessed it....

P.Kay is the leader of my backline, and just so happens to be my brother :)...a host of one of my performances, while introducing the show once asked while simultaneously attempting to turn off mic..."What's the name of the band?" Tom humbly responded "The Reesa Renee Experience!" haha I still giggle when I think of his on the fly sarcastic yet genuine reponse...

That would be US lol

 Tom please KNOW and NOTE that you are forever and always appreciated! God couldn't have given me a better brother I'm so happy we've been allowed this time to travel this musical journey TOGETHER I cherish every moment! You ROCK :)

Follow PKay on TWITTER
P.Kay on Facebook

Here are some SONGS and ALBUMS produced by and/or featuring P.Kay:



Hyattsville Hero *To Be Released*
Reesa Renee's ALBUM "Reelease" *To Be Released*

God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Friday, June 17, 2011

MUSIC UP CLOSE: Give the Drummer Some!

I've always dabbled here in there in various instrument playing and one the instrument I started with at the age of 5 was THE DRUMS! My dad substituted drums sets in and out of the house my whole life and at times I would even play at the little legs were so short I'd have to tilt the seat to reach the foot petal lol...I'd rock back and forth as I kicked.

I LOOOOVE drums, love the emotion that comes out of bangin on something it's BEAUTIFUL...the percussions create cadence and the entire bassline of *feel* that you experience when at a live show. When it comes to getting in the zone while on stage....I certainly look to the percussion line to BRING IT!

I just randomly decided to share with you some drum sheds....If you youTube'd you'd find PLENTY of talented drummers BUT I'd like to shine the light on a few of my FAVS


Starring Silk (MY DRUMMER) and a dear friend of his Dave Callaham, may he rest in Peace

Video 2:
Starring Eric Moore DUDE ROCKS lol!

Video 3: Starring the LEGENDARY QuestLove

God Bless.
Reesa Renee

Friday, June 3, 2011


So one thing that music does for me is give me a platform to tell my story and express my emotions....

I'm a firm believer that everyone has a story to tell...and I've always wanted the platform to be able to give to others so that they may be able to share their stories/share their poems/randomly spurt out thoughts/type jibberish all with the theme of OVERCOMING and PERSERVERANCE :) ain't nothing like an inspirational story!

SO without furthur adu, I would like to open the floor up to a close friend of mine, Erin Lawler:

My brother, Craig, was always a bit of an old soul. While most guys his age listened to Nirvana or Stone Temple Pilots, he was jamming to Coltrane, Clapton, and Charlie Parker. His instrument of choice: a harmonica. I was late in my teens when I first realized his penchant for this overlooked instrument. My sisters and I confronted him one evening after seeing him driving around our small, Oklahoma college town with something held to his mouth. Believing he was smoking, we staged an ‘intervention’ fearing for his lung capacity and health. (In college and living off-campus, he could have picked up any ol’ bad habit. Habit, yes, but never did we suspect). Thoroughly annoyed with our concern, he exclaimed with a tone as if it should have been obvious, “I was playing my harmonica!”

So began our introduction and intimate ‘conversation’ with the harmonica (or “harp” as he called it) and its ‘melodious’ music. Craig wasn’t a born musical prodigy, but he had the will and the desire to master the harp and to truly feel the music. He was seldom without his harmonicas (plural) or the desire to discuss the latest chords he was learning and “check this out” opportunities complete with his distinct eye-widening/stare and tap of his toe as he demoed. The bang of his harmonica on his thigh to clear the spit became as generic and expected as breathing. Though the sisters and I weren’t overtly impressed, deep down inside we were. Our expressions were a mixture of “are you effing serious?” and “hey, that’s neat!” Regardless, he persisted.

In truth, he had been quietly studying under one of the local legends in blues music and harmonica playing – Watermelon Slim – and was excelling rapidly. Not fully appreciating where this was going for him, the sisters and I would plead for less cacophony with Craig’s “kazoo” when he was practicing his scales or at least for him to take a break and free up the bathroom (good acoustics, apparently).

As time passed and the siblings moved to separate states/countries, what was once an annoyance became a hallmark of our get togethers. Spontaneous sing-alongs and happy birthday songs were not complete if not accompanied by his harmonica. My sisters and I would often see him coming back from a walk with that mysterious “something” held close to his mouth. We’d smile or roll our eyes lovingly; no longer was the first assumption smoking. After many years of frustration, practice and commitment to improvement – his music was no longer cacophonous but melodic,
confident, purposeful. He was a harmonica player. 

In Denver where he lived, he refined his art while practicing law. He was called “The Blues Lawyer", though more a bluesman at heart than a lawyer. He was as generous in his profession as in his passion, taking on pro-bono cases while also frequenting local blues bars for the latest scene. It wasn’t long before he landed a regular gig with jammers and recorded a demo CD from one of their jam sessions. Friends, colleagues and his lucky sisters “in for the weekend” would experience his performances – a man seemingly unassuming and laid back, now commanding attention with his harmonica and voice.

That was Craig: half part talent, half part personality and altogether a little over the top. Watermelon Slim, Craig’s mentor and now award-winning blues musician had this to say: "Craig, is as you say a terrific young man, and is my greatest student on the harp. [He] met me and the band at a gig we do once in awhile... He showed me some of what Jason Ricci had shown him about overblowing, making a diatonic harp into a chromatic one. I couldn’t play a note of it, and threw my good hat. The student had outrun the professor, and in a fraction of the time it took me... But that’s just what a brilliant fellow Craig is. I will be playing a rare gig tonight, and I will be dedicating it to him. We talked about getting him down to the BMA Awards ceremony May 8, where I’m nominated for a bunch of awards. If I have to, I will fly him in myself…”

I may never truly understand, but, through the three of them – ‘Slim, Ricci, and Craig, I do. For Craig, years of work; years of passion; perhaps a seemingly unnatural talent to one remarked upon by one of the greatest; perhaps not knowing one’s circle of influence.  If you were to Google either Watermelon Slim or Jason Nicci’s names together with Craig’s, you might find tour dates, award accolades, tributes, or dedications. You might also feel that I’m bragging of my brother. I am.

The Lawler Family!
Craig died of metastatic kidney cancer 2 years ago at the young age of 32, three short months after my mother died of brain cancer at the young age of 65. His battle was 7 months; hers 11. (See for more information on their lives/fight). I’d like to think that his musical ambition and pizzazz came, in part, from my mom's ever quick with an off-pitch song and dippy hip shake disposition. Through each of their battles, music, imagination, humor, “art”, and the zest for life was alive and present – even when diaphragms weakened, lung capacities lessened and passions were more entertained in thought rather than in action. My sisters and I would sing randomly and off-key to both of them—my mom had greater appreciation for our “art”. She’d stare, smiling, either memorized at our love for her or our profound ability to butcher a song (she taught us well). Craig was always, at first, a critical audience stating “all ya’al are off key” before finally joining in himself. Guess he finally got the point. It’s more for the heart than it is for the ears.

Though too sick to travel, Craig was alive to hear Slim win his Blues Music Foundation BMA awards and to receive the album Slim dedicated to him. And he was alive to experience a tribute concert from his profoundly talented idol, Jason Ricci, who titled a song after Craig, “Holler for Craig Lawler”. Craig was also alive to experience the passing of our mom, Mary, a dynamic, loving and accomplished woman who found her way to the computer to research cures for his cancer before hers. Like my mom, Craig may have never known or considered his “realm of influence” in life, or may have considered it small. Both were vast and meaningful; fortunately, they were able to bare witness before passing. Craig’s realm – for an unassuming and kind
harmonica playing blues lawyer from Oklahoma – reached around the world.

Craig was never a "signed artist", but he lived his life artfully.

Along with the harmonica, Craig also played the guitar

Perhaps this is a charge to all. focus not on what will become,

but on becoming.
Thank you SO MUCH to Erin and her family for allowing me the opportunity to share their story and their brother Craig's artistry YOU ALL are APPRECIATED :) much LOVE much RESPECT and much SUPPORT! This story is truly an inspiration, wish you all the absolute BEST in your endevours and may God bless you and your family as you continue to carry on the legacy, your strength is admirable!

God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Monday, May 2, 2011

Introducing Web Design Company: Water Drop Designs

So another PRIME example of simple and easy we hooked up, I said a few words about the general style I was looking for in the website...we passed ideas back and forth a few times and there it was :) my OFFICIAL WEBSITE!

Here's a MOCK of the site before it was finalized, you can click the pic for the updated version:

It's crazy (a quick backstory) I was a "troubled" teen to say the least, and most of my teachers would probably shiver at the idea of me doing something positive these days lol! BELIEVE IT or NOT the author of my website and the creator of WaterDrop Designs was one of the only teachers in highschool that actually had my back and believed in me. And in all honesty I owe him a gazillion THANKS to helping me along that process helping me cope with behavioral issues and finding myself amidst highschool craziness lol. HERE WE ARE TODAY, WHO WOULDA GUESSED?!?
(301) 684-8640

So, to WaterDrop Designs THANK YOU thank you thank you for having my back before either of our professions (my musical gig and your web design launching) were our (or at least MINE lol) professions! I appreciate your help and support thus far and CERTAINLY BACK and support your work! Looking forward to future projects and to hitting BIG so I can finally "pay" you back for all your duties lol

Contact Water Drop Designs at

God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

ONE of MANY Inspiring Artists: Ahmad Jamal

"The quickest way to become troubled is to be concerned with what people are gonna say about your life and your work." -Ahmad Jamal 
The toe-tapping, jazz clubbing rawness that this track brings is so inspirational to me..

Not sure if it's staged or not but you can almost hear the whisper of a working cafe in the backgroud....tipping glasses, soft russle of an audience zoned out by the FEEL :)

*snapping out of it* lol enjoy the music take yourself to that moment into my archives and alongside the journey of me exposing myself as the music geek that I am lol this track has about 20+ years on me (speaking of my birth lol)! Ahh well nothing like appreciating goooood music...


God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Introducing Graphics and Web Design Company: Hatton Designs

 Hatton Designs is a very talented and innovative company that not only covers the basics necessary to brand ANYTHING but it also holds the capacity to completely cover all marketing needs! From interactive and personalized web design to monthly newsletters, posters and flyers they seriously do it all! It saves the humongous headache of hiring separately and houses a completely trust worthy and dope project, removing any concerns of cross branding...ONE team ONE project ONE mind ONE sound ONE brand :)! I feel like Im selling a commercial lol as opposed to blogging all of this is coming straight from the heart...

I've had the wonderful opportunity of working with this company when I first jumpstarted my career back in January of this year (2011). It was hassle-free, personable, and with my lack of knowledge concerning "brand" etc it really opened my eyes and taught me alot with marketing. Now, understanding a bit more, I am very appreciative and find even more value to the packages (logo's, flyers, business cards, etc) created by Hatton Designs.

LOVE the "Got Music" theme, it all started with a napkin and a reeallly bad sketch I drew up lol....and lookie what it turned into! 
My Busboys Flyer Designed by Hatton Designs

I am STILL working with Hatton Designs today on my press kit, posters, and the official "Reelease" CDS(*woot*woot*! lol) and the communication fits perfectly with my schedule, at this point, it is just a email or phonecall away. The idea is designed, approved, sent off to the printing company, and shipped to the house in enough time for the show :) not to mention the work is...AMAZING lol

I am in full support of Hatton Designs, BIG SHOUT and alot of love to you guys I SUPER appreciate the help and support thus far and wish you all the absolute best in your endeavours!

Call Hatton Designs TODAY: 202-559-8601

SUPPORT Hatton Designs HERE: 

God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Introducing Artist/Clothing Designer/Entrepreneur: Mr Htdogwtr

Jeffrey Lee CEO/Designer Htdogwtr

Ima keep the blog down south in Charlotte NC for this next blog too! This is another friend of mine who's been on his grind for a MINUTE! He is the creator of clothing line Htdogwtr, pronounced "Hot Dog Water", and he is an awesome and talented dude! I've snagged a couple of hoodies and bookbags from him in the past lol I LOVE his urban style and creative mind! He jam packs culture, newness, and COLORs colors colors into his artistry! I ABSOLUTELY DIG IT....

From Glasses, to t-shirts, to hoodies, to bookbags, to tails he does it ALL! Check out his GEAR on his SITE,, with a COMPLETE online store, if you like fresh gear and have been waiting for that new, this is where you want to be!

Glasses designed by Htdogwtr
I am SUPER BIG on PICTURES speaking for themselves so hears a batch of my favs (more on his site of course :):

LOVE your work Jeff and even more love how you stay TRUE to yourself and your dream! You are certainly inspiring and we are certainly watching  and appreciative, wish you the absolute best in your endevours much LOVE, RESPECT, and SUPPORT! Always looking forward to the next design, keep doing your thing!!

God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Recycled Music: Alicia Keys vs. The Main Ingredient

So at one point in my musical studies I became obsessed with finding re-used/sampled songs...the list goes on and on and so will my random recycled music blog post :)

LOVE BOTH Artists so cant go wrong!


*It's a little more obvious at 1:47 on The Main Ingredients Video*

God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Introducing Lyricist/Revolutionist/Artist: Ms. Jocelyn Ellis

I'm taking this blog down south to Charlotte NC to shout out my fellow sojourner Ms. Jocelyn Ellis! Love this lady to death, she's amazing on a personal level and she's absolutely outstanding and jaw droppingly talented on an artistic level. To this day, I still have yet to meet another artist who can zone out as hard as this lady does! She jumps so elegantly through poet verse, rap, melody, and no matter when, where, or how it ALWAYS carries so much depth and logic. Give her a track...a beatbox...anything and she kills it!

A couple of years back she released a ROCKING album entitled In the Beginning EP Jocelyn Ellis and the Alpha Theory which you can download just by clicking the title! It's a good purchase and its only a little over $'s the artwork for it, it's DOOOPPE! Lol

Joc, you already know you have ALL OF MY support :) BUT to establish this publically.....LOVE ya bunches and always wish you the best in your endeavours. MUCH love MUCH respect and MANY blessing, the movement is in full effect!

We are watching and waiting for you next genious project and are in FULL SUPPORT!!

Visit Jocelyn Ellis' Website HERE!!

God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Introducing Rapper/Lyricist: Tae Barz

Apparently I am late on the memo concerning DMV Artist Tae Barz. I was introduced to this rapper via twitter from a trusting friend of mine. I took it upon myself to do some research on this dude and ran into the video I posted below, can you say DEEP! This guy hit the main topic from every angle, being a fellow artist, and above all a fellow music lover, I can definitely feel him on every inch of this song! Listening to/Watching this Video will be the best 5 minutes ever spent, promise that.....

Either way, TaeBarz has the STAMP of approval from me, however much weight that carries lol! Not even a week after I reached out to Tae did he not only expeditiously get back to me BUT he also made an appearance at one of my shows that following weekend. I just met him but I've mad love for him and what he represents! You can certainly expect a callabo coming real soon....

So without further adu, much LOVE, RESPECT, and APPRECIATION to you Tae Barz! Keep doing your thing and don't allow anything to distract you from showcasing the gift that you have within! We are watching in anticipation for your next project, KEEP WRITING because, you're right, it is MORE THAN MUSIC ;-)



God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Sunday, April 3, 2011

One of MANY Inspiring Artists: Jill Scott

It is taking everything in me not to post EVERY LAST BIT OF PROJECT this genious lady has created lol!

I was first handed a Jill Scott CD or should I say, I first unwrapped a Jill Scott CD on Christmas 2001 or so, my lovely aunt gave me the BEST present ever. I will admit initially I wasn't the most excited about the album bc I hadn't been properly schooled. I will ALSO admit now, fast forwarding to present day, I am dangerously close to stalker status when it comes to my LOOOVE for songstress Jill Scott.

Love her VIBE love her FEEL and am STILL waiting on her *new* album to drop (that was suppose to be here last summer) I reeeeally hope she doesnt renig lol....

Either way here is a teaser, more highlighting her musician, Peter Kuzma (love how she shares the stage) if you haven't seen/heard her LIVE In Paris Album and/or DVD you should download/stream it ASAP or you could just take a peak at this video ENJOY:

Jill, I appreciate you and thank you for introducing me to soul, artistry, vibe, musicianship, growth, expression, and the true definition of artistic freedom. Always looking forward to your projects!

God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

One of MANY Inspiring Artists Ms Crystal Waters: Bet You Ain't Know?!

The lovely lady Ms. Crystal Waters is not only still kicking she is BEATING DOWN THE DOOR looking every bit of 25!!! Lol! Check out her latest video AND song dropped GLOBAL about a month or so ago:

HUUUUUMOUNGOUS shout to DMV living (bet you ain't know), oversea's traveling , STILL booking gigs (bet you ain't know), and STILL killing tracks diva Ms. Crystal Waters!!

If you need a ( *shame on you* if you do haha): can close your mouth now lol...

God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Monday, March 28, 2011

Introducing: The Renaissance Man ->>> Mr. Aaron "Amil" Barnes

So I started off this blog trying to sum the title of this man in the intro and already ran into some trouble lol. Aaron "Amil" is certainly an artist whom expresses himself through poetry, spirituality, managing, and more publically through filming, directing, and editing!

This is another one of my childhood friends :) whom I've a love/hate relationship with lol . I can certainly tell you that the cat is not fully out of the bag! He is another one of my good friends that I CANNOT wait to see his gift fully manifest itself.

Aaron "Amil" has done videography for some mainstream artists and I SUPER appreciated the fact that he took time out of his busy schedule to shoot my very 1st video, helping me document my Artist Release Party back in Jan. 2011, which I have posted below.

Aaron you are CERTAINLY appreciated and WE ARE looking your way waiting for the next awesome project to be produced, edited, and posted! Love ya much and wish you the absolute best in your endeavours!

DMV STAND UP!! Support your local artist Aaron "Amil" Barnes here:

If you need a video HE IS YOUR GUY! 

God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Introducing Artist/Painter: Nolan Chase

Nolan and I met as kids on a tee-ball team and ran into each other again during highschool. I can thank the opportunity of us getting reconnected, to the invention of facebook :), probably the main source of alot of people's long lost "I remember you" friends! When I saw his artwork I immedicately connected, I actually had a show at Busboys and Poets a couple of days after I ran into him in cyber world and couldn't resist asking him to display his work. Without a hesitation he agreed and showcased his art at my show, and it was absolutely beautiful and amazing!
Nolan, just giving you a shout to let you know that you are APPRECIATED, from your gift as an artist to the admirable and humbling feel you give off. Thanks so much for sharing your art, looking forward to seeing more of your projects!!!

Take a look at some of his work!!

God Bless,

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Modern Day Flashback: "Recycled" Music

When it comes to sampling and "borrowing" already made music, views are mixed. Sometimes the "sample" is ridiculously obvious (like the tracks below) but others times it's creatively meshed with a new vibe and new feel and goes completely unnoticed to an untrained ear. I personally think Kanye perfected and elevated the craft during his earlier years...

Is is unoriginal and copycatting OR does sampling tracks pay dues and respects to the history of music and re-invent a more modern sound? What are your thoughts?

I personally get a kick out of finding correlating tracks, makes me know somebody else out there loves to dig for some good ole fashion's one of MANY songs, enjoy!

P.s - Brighter side of darkness? What a name for a group there a "brighter" side lol...?

God Bless,
Reesa Renee

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Introducing Lyricist/Poet/Artist: Kamila

So I've been given some free time :) might as well take advantage!

Kamila and I had the wonderful opportunity to be pulled together by two very important things....FAMILY and MUSIC! Both of our brothers are heavily involved in producing and are responsible for the majority of the instrumentals and mixing on our albums. So, when my brother, P.Kay, handed me her Mixtape "Soul Spaceship"  I snatched it and immediately threw it in for a listen!

This chick is a lyricist, her word play, poetic verse, and vibe just demand relaxation and chill! Amidst the trance-setting tone I was also presented with a depth of lyrics. She does an amazing job mashing an entire concept/paragraph/lifestye into something as simple as a sentence. ~poetic vibe~

Kamila, you have my ABSOLUTE support keep doing what you are doing we are watching and LISTENING!! God Bless you on your journey continue to stay grounded in yourself and your vision...

God Bless,
Reesa Renee

"...stress, no good for the heart and the mind so the past, I left it behind, transcendant, I rise..."