Sunday, March 13, 2011

One of MANY Inspiring Artists: Bill Withers

So, when posting music I'm going to try to stay away from the "classic" old school music, basically meaning the obvious songs that get ALOT of publicity and respect these days. I'm going to take you all into my music archives and pull out some songs that truly inspire me....

Just the mood of the music...

If you've read any of my stories, one of which can be found at The Girl Blue See's the Light, which speak of a time when I completely delve myself into music and poetry, this was one of the MAIN songs that I played over and over and wrote poetry (which some turned into lyrics) to.

I would take pictures of the sky as if I were singing to the sun....

Bill Withers "Make A Smile for Me" was the soundtrack to my life in a time of raw and utter innocence and honestly in the long run it helped bring me one step closer to who I am today, an entertainer....a human who feels and allows my gift to bleed into music so that others too may be delivered from their hard times and one day become that inspiration :)

Take A Listen, God Bless!

"be the change you wish to see..."
Reesa Renee

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